community Business

Yumbe Mango Factory to start operations

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Good News for Mango Farmers in West Nile

Mango farmers in West Nile are happy because the Aringa Mango Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited (Ltd) will start buying mangoes for processing at the Yumbe Mango Factory this season.

The factory, in Lodonga sub-county, Yumbe district, was opened by President Yoweri Museveni on January 9, 2021. But it couldn’t start working because some construction wasn’t finished due to not having enough money.

Now, the Aringa Fruit Farmers’ Cooperative Society Ltd will buy mangoes from farmers this month to process at the factory.

Saidi Aniku, who leads the Aringa Fruit Farmers’ Cooperative Society, said they decided to buy mangoes to start the factory. They want to buy a kind of mango called ‘kagoggwa’.

Yassin Angua, who helps manage the Aringa Fruit Farmers’ Cooperative Society, said they don’t know how much they’ll pay farmers yet, but farmers should get ready. He thinks the factory will help people in the area have better lives.

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Alli Dudu, a farmer, is happy about the news. But Muhammed Anule, another farmer, worries that many mangoes might go bad because they’re too ripe.

The Yumbe Mango Processing factory was made by the government with help from some companies. They’ve spent a lot of money on it. It can process 5 metric tons of mangoes every hour.

The factory was promised by President Museveni in 2014 during celebrations in Arua.


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