Government community

Government Asked to Explain Karuma Bridge Restrictions


Members of Parliament have raised concerns about the restricted access to Karuma Bridge, which links the North and West Nile regions to the rest of the country. The bridge, crucial for trade and travel, has been limited to only passenger vehicles with a cap of 28 passengers due to cracks discovered by the Uganda National Roads Authority.

During a recent parliamentary session presided over by Speaker Anita Among, MPs expressed worries about the impact of these restrictions on trade and livelihoods. They called upon the Minister for Works and Transport to clarify the likely consequences of the traffic restrictions and diversions enforced.

Speaker Among urged the Uganda National Roads Authority to expedite the repair works on the bridge to minimize disruptions. MPs highlighted concerns about alternative routes, particularly the one passing through Murchison National Park, which is not only longer but also incurs additional costs, affecting businesses, especially those involved in cross-border trade.

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Dicksons Kateshumbwa, representing Sheema Municipality, emphasized the increased expenses for businesses, while George Bhoka from Obongi County pointed out the significant rise in bus fares, making travel unaffordable for many in the West Nile region.

Jesca Ababiku, the Adjumani District Woman MP, shared her personal experience of delays at the bridge and emphasized the need for timely information provision to bridge users.

Jonathan Odur, MP for Erute County South, highlighted the unreliability of alternative routes like Port Masindi due to ferry breakdowns, urging the government to enhance ferry services.

Moreover, MPs raised concerns about the broader infrastructure challenges, citing instances of bridges collapsing in various constituencies due to floods and landslides. They called for a comprehensive disaster management plan to address such eventualities.

Opposition Leader Joel Ssenyonyi questioned the whereabouts of the Disaster Preparedness and Management Commission, mandated to handle such crises, and inquired about the status of the Disaster Management Bill proposed in 2018.


In response, Minister of State for Disaster Preparedness, Relief and Refugees, Lillian Aber, highlighted the ministry’s financial constraints in responding to disasters and appealed for parliamentary support. She warned of potential hazards from heavy rains, including transport disruptions and damage to infrastructure like schools.

The parliamentary session concluded with a call for a coordinated approach to address the challenges posed by the restricted access to Karuma Bridge and broader disaster preparedness measures.


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